15 Ways to Edit Product Photos to Boost Sales

product image retouching Services

In the world of e-commerce that is more and more oriented towards visual content, your image is the only thing a potential customer sees. Great product shots aren’t mere snapshots; it’s about perfect editing. Whether you are presenting shiny technological devices or unique artisanal pieces of jewellery, it is possible to make the presented items look incredibly appealing, which will cause people to engage with the product or buy something with a single click of a button.

Here are the 15 great tips for image editing by Global Photo Edit. We’re the leader in product image retouching Services.

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Product Image Editing Tips

Crop for Better Composition

Cropping is your secret weapon in product photography since it allows you to achieve extremely visually appealing pictures. It should be noted that by eradicating all the unnecessary details and moving the product into the focus of the picture, the viewer’s attention is directed to the desired area.

Adjust Brightness and Contrast

Adjusting brightness and contrast levels can bring colors into product photos that may be otherwise dull. Brightness helps in the visibility of details in an image while contrast helps to give an image dimension. Aim for a balanced look: clear enough to ‘pop out’ specific features, and contrasting enough to make your product stand out on screen. 

Correct white balance

It is vital to set the white balance correctly so that your products do not appear to be a different color than they are. Different lighting sources tend to produce different tints that are not ideal and can make objects appear either too warm or too cool. 

White balance simply ensures that white, which is the reference color, is as clear as possible and all the other colors are as accurate to the real situation as possible. If you’re looking for an image editing company, search “e-commerce photo editing company near me” and click on the Global Photo Edit web link. 

Sharpen Images for Clarity

Increasing the product images makes edges clear and distinct and adds more detail to your products thus giving the items a professional look. It is only a little sharper to help reveal details such as the texture, engravings, or the weaves of a fabric that one would not easily see. 

Remove Distracting Backgrounds

Too many items within the shot can distract from what is being marketed. When you eliminate or reduce all the fuss, then you are left with the only thing that counts — your item. If as a professional at Product Image retouching Services, you are using a clean white background, a subtle gradient or a contextual setting, make sure it doesn’t add competition. 

Create a Consistent Style Across all Product Images

The foundation of a good brand is based on the ability to maintain set standards in the market. Get a unique way of editing your product images which can include a specific color scheme, lighting or even composition and stick to it. This uniformity not only looks more professional but at the same time, it also allows your customers to easily identify your business. 

Use Subtle Shadows for Depth

A tiny hint of depth can turn plain and boring product images into eye-catching pieces of art. This will give the impression that your product is placed on a surface or even floating on it through the application of a soft, natural-looking shadow. It provides depth and realism which helps the customers better understand how the particular item would look in their house. 

Highlight Product Features with Selective Editing

Selective editing can be compared to the process of using a lamp to illuminate the outstanding features of your product. By slightly changing the shades of some areas—making the face of a watch slightly lighter, making the texture of a fabric look richer, or making the shine on a gadget more prominent—you influence where the viewer’s attention is directed – to what is unique about your product. 

Retouch Imperfections Without Losing Authenticity

Retouching is an art of subtlety, and therefore, it is always a question of how to achieve the best balance. You aim to make the product look as appealing as possible without searching for an e-commerce photo editing company near me, making it seem like a product that is too good to be true. 

Adaptively remove small imperfections like scratches, dust, or other minor defects that alter the appearance of the object while retaining tactile properties. Customers crave truth; they do not want to watch a movie without real emotions, but they want to observe reality in a better way.

Experiment with Different Aspect Ratios

The aspect ratio is preferred depending on the platform and device used in viewing the media. Trying out such ratios as square for Instagram, wider for banners, or vertical for mobile web can significantly enhance the presence of your product. 

Resize Images for Various Platforms

It is important to bear in mind that each given online marketplace, social media platform, or website has specific image size dimensions. By making sure your product photos are sized to these dimensions, you are assured that they are viewable in their best form across the different platforms. 

Compress Files for Faster Loading Times

In the digital marketplace the ‘time to market’ is a critical factor and the faster the better. This is because large, uncompressed images take time to download, and this will most definitely frustrate the customers and they are likely to move to other sites. This means that by compressing your product photos, you can make your images smaller in size without having to compromise their quality. 

Add Lifestyle Context to Showcase Product Use

Lifestyle context adds life to your product images, where instead of merely seeing an object, you see it in use. When you manipulate the image to show a real-life environment, or when you show the product being used, the customer can easily visualize how the product can be utilized. 

Create Image Variations for A/B testing

A/B testing is the quantitative way through which you can find out the best photo. Take pictures of your product and make multiple copies of them but in different positions, backdrops, or brightness and see how your audience responds to them. See which versions get more clicks, viewers spending more time on the page, or users converting to customers.

Incorporate Branding Elements Subtly

Even when the product is being photographed, the branding should be discreet so as not to take too much attention away from the main product. Subtly incorporate your brand’s logo or any other prominent colour or design associated with your business in the picture – maybe in the background, on something the character is holding, or as a watermark. 

Best Practices and Tips 

Editing should be by Product Image retouching Services with the primary concern of maintaining credibility. The idea here is to build on what is already there and not in any way to create something out of the blue. It is crucial to do this strictly as deviations can lead to penalties or at least a reduction in visibility on a given platform. 

Spend time reestablishing editing skills; these are dynamic and change frequently with the advancement of trends and technology. If the product is highly technical or the listing is for a very expensive item, it could be wise to hire a professional—often, the cost of doing so is well worth it. Most importantly, ensure that you set and adhere to a standard of quality across your multiple products but at the same time ensure that the product’s attributes are highlighted. 


It is crucial to understand that mastering these 15 photo editing techniques will take your product images to the next level, making them much more effective in terms of selling your products. In case you are looking for an e-commerce photo editing company near me ensure that your products are presented in the best light possible while at the same time not compromising the originality of your items, you are selling solutions and experiences. 

Begin using them regularly and notice how the improved visuals lead to higher levels of customer interest and, consequently, sales.

Some of the most recommended ones are Photoshop for a general editing tool that can do almost everything, Lightroom for a tool that allows for the editing of multiple photos at once, or Canva or Pixlr for easy-to-use and understand tools. As you may have noticed, there is no best software because it all depends on the level of skill and the type of work to be done. 

Iterative editing becomes a problem when it distorts your product in a way that is unrepresentative of its true value. If customers cannot distinguish the item in person or if the information is too personal, then you have taken the process too far. 

Absolutely! Smartphones of the present era come with advanced editing applications that allow for fine and quality work. Smartphone editors do not possess some of the features of desktop editors, but they are quite enough for fast changes and, at the same time, are suitable for many e-commerce activities.

For the final check, always test your images on different devices like computers, tablets, smartphones, and browsers. Employ responsive design principles and have multiple sizes of images that can be used. It is advisable to stick to standard colour profiles such as sRGB especially if you are targeting a general audience. 

This depends on the amount of capital available, the number of products, and the degree of differentiation of the products. To sum up, in-house editing is beneficial in having more control and can be cheaper if the changes are not very complicated. It may be advisable to outsource to professionals for products that are highly valued, in large quantities, or in areas that need more elaborate editing.

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